Speak (Preach) the Word!

Mar 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every CREATURE.
The Bible says preach the Gospel to every creature. The Greek word used for creature here is ktisis.
Ktisis means ‘every created thing’. Also, the Gospel is the Word of God.
In other words, what God is telling us here is ‘speak the Word of God to every created thing’.
Glory! You ought to speak the Word of God to every created thing. The days were created by God. They are created things. Speak the Word of God them! They would listen and change accordingly. Say the Word says everything I do will prosper (Ps 1). I speak to my week and my day. Everything I do within you shall prosper! All I do today and this week prosper in Jesus’ Name!
Speak the Word of God to your body. It is a created thing. Say ‘The Bible says those who wait upon the Lord shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall walk and not be weary, they shall run and not faint. Body, I preach the Gospel to you. You are full of strength. You walk and you are not weary. You run and you do not faint!
Preach the Gospel to your mind. Say ‘the Bible says that the Lord has given me the a sound mind. I preach the Gospel to you. You are sound in Jesus Name!
Preach the Gospel to your life. Your life was created by God. Ecc 3:11 says He has made every thing beautiful in his time. Say ‘I speak to my life. God has made everything beautiful in my life, hallelujah!’
Money was created by men. It is a created thing. Speak the Word of God to your money! Say ‘The Bible says in the book of Proverbs that the path of the just is as the shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day. My money, I speak to you. You are growing more and more unto the perfect day in Jesus’ Name, Amen!’
Amen! Just preach it, hallelujah!