Stories of Successful People

the very opposite

You are Going Through the Very Opposite

Friday 2nd June 2023   Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12   Are you going through the very opposite right now?   Joseph was a man who went through a lot of things. He was betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, and became a prisoner. &nb... »

How to be a success in Life – from those who have done it

How to be a success in Life – from those who have done it

There is no better way to succeed than to follow in the footsteps of those who have already done so. Here are 13 success tips from some of the world’s most successful people: 1. Think big. From Michelangelo Buonarroti, Great Renaissance Artist: “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” 2.Find ... »

Take Time Out to Speak the Word

Take Time Out to Speak the Word

How do rich men become rich? I was watching a documentary on Donald Trump. He is well known for his confidence. The researchers for the documentary traced the source of his confidence back to a church he attended when he was a kid, where Norman Vincent Peale was the pastor. He said in an interview that we would always listen to him and read his books back then. Later on, he was quoted as telling s... »

All Things Are Possible

All Things Are Possible

Mark 9:21-23 NKJV So He asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?” And he said, “From childhood. And often he has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM WHO BELIEVES.” Wow. ALL things. Are you a believer? Then tell the ne... »

Change Your Habits – Change Your Life!

Change Your Habits – Change Your Life!

. She was the scientists’ favorite participant. Lisa Allen, according to her file, was thirty-four years old, had started smoking and drinking when she was sixteen, and had struggled with obesity for most of her life. At one point, in her mid-twenties, collection agencies were hounding her to recover $10,000 in debts. An old résumé listed her longest job as lasting less than a year. The woman in f... »

The GOAL for Victory

The GOAL for Victory

When she looked ahead, Florence Chadwick saw nothing but a solid wall of fog. Her body was numb. She had been swimming for nearly sixteen hours. Already she was the first woman to swim the English Channel in both directions. She had managed to finish that swim in a record time, 16 hours and 22 minutes on August 8, 1950. Now, at age 34, her goal was to become the first woman to swim from Catalina I... »

Secrets of the Richest Black Woman in the World, Mrs Folorunsho Alakija

Secrets of the Richest Black Woman in the World, Mrs Folorunsho Alakija

Folorunsho Alakija, the richest black woman in the world (no, it’s not Oprah) who covered the second edition (December 2013/January 2014) of Forbes Africa Woman has an amazing story. Before the magazine declared her the richest black woman in the world, many knew Mrs Folorunsho Alakija as a creative designer with the Supreme Stitches label, which she later named Rose of Sharon Creations. She’s al... »

The World’s Biggest Evangelical (Kingdom) Giver – David Green

The World’s Biggest Evangelical (Kingdom) Giver – David Green

David Green’s story reads like something out of a fictional story. From a loan of $600, he has built up a business currently worth about $3 billion. Not only that, he is the LARGEST recorded individual benefactor to charismatic and Word of Faith (evangelical) churches worldwide. This article is culled from the October 8, 2012 issue of Forbes. Its original title was ‘David Green: The Bi... »

Setting Up Your Business to Be the Favorite of Banks and Investors

Setting Up Your Business to Be the Favorite of Banks and Investors

Strive Masiyiwa, a committed Christian businessman, is currently one of the richest men in Africa. Here is what happened after he first tried to obtain a loan from a bank and was turned down. … the Bank Manager had turned me down for my first loan application. What was I to do next? In the Bible, a great king, told his son, “With all thy getting, get understanding.” One day I had... »

NOTHING is Impossible

NOTHING is Impossible

Mar 9:23 Jesus replied, “Why do you say ‘if you can’? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS FAITH!” ANYTHING is possible for someone who has faith… Wow. This means “impossibility” is a word that came as a result of man’s inability to have faith! The mountains you see stopping you are not real. They are just a sign of our inability to believe. The... »

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