Stay On The Word!

The Bible says we are more than conquerors in all things that come against us.
No matter how you are feeling today, I want you to know that the Lord
is by your side, thinking good thoughts about you, and planning great
things that would come your way.
You see, the Lord might not come at exactly the time you expected, or
do it the exactly the way you wanted Him to, but He has you in mind,
and He would SURELY be there on time. He would never let you down.
When you think, think on His Word. It brings down His power. When you
speak, speak on His Word. Take out time every single day to study His
Word. It prepares you against the evil day, sheilds you against the
attacks of the devil, and keeps you moving forward in life!
A very common tactic of the devil is to stand aside when he sees you
are full of the Word of God, and try to lull you into such a sense of
security that you don’t feel there’s so much reason to spend time in
the Word of God and in prayers that much again. He waits until your
Word and faith level gets very low, then he attacks with all that he
The way to sheild yourself against such wiles and stratagems of the
devil is to make sure you take time out to study His Word EVERY SINGLE
DAY, and to spend time in prayer, especially in praising Him and
confessing His Word into your life, and interceding for the world.
Stay on the Word today. Hold on to His Word, and speak forth His promises.
Your turnaround is almost here!
I am blessed. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. I have
a goodly heritage. I am a wonder going somewhere to happen. I will
never falter, in Jesus’ Name. My path is the path of the just which
shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day, in Jesus’ Name.
Jesus is my Lord forever, therefore, I am more than a conqueror in
everything that concerns me. All that I do shall prosper. The greater
one lives in me, and I am moving forward in life. My day is great
today in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Acts 6:1-15
Take time out to spend time in prayer for the website, for this work,
and for all those involved in it. It shall go to the nations. God bless you as you do. Have a great day!