Walking in the Light!

When we walk in the light of the life of God in us, miracles result!
One of the greatest miracles I have ever seen along these lines happened in a church I pastored. One of my Sunday School teachers told me, concerning her oldest child, “I sent her to school seven years in the first grade. She couldn’t even learn to write her name. The school authorities asked me if I would take her out of school. She never got out of the first grade.”
She was a big 14-year-old girl playing with little 7 year olds, so they had to take her out.
They had no state school (we’re talking about the 1930s, the Depression days). They had no special classes. The only kind of school they had in Texas was one for feebleminded children. She didn’t even qualify for that.
In church she acted like a 3 or 4 year old; she had about that kind of mentality. If she happened not to be sitting with her mother, and wanted to get up where her mother was, she would actually get down and scoot along on her stomach under the pews to get up front. When she would get there (usually there was no one on that pew except her mother), she would stretch out like a kid and go to sleep.
One night she went up to the altar (nobody asked her to go) during a revival and knelt along with the others. There she received eternal life and the nature of God. Instantly there was a drastic change!
Before, she wouldn’t bathe. If she got neglected (like a 2 or 3 year old), her appearance was pitiful. She would come to church looking like she hadn’t combed her hair in a month; it looked like the rats had slept in it. And what clothes she had were hanging on her.
But overnight, the very next night, she came in, sat down, and acted as intelligent as any 18-year-old young lady. Her hair was fixed, she was dressed up, and she looked nice.
You could hardly believe what you saw. It changed her. It increased the girl’s mentality 90 percent overnight!
When we walk in the light of God’s Word, the changes are amazing!
I walk in the light of who I am in Christ Jesus. I confess it, I study the Word to remind me of it, and I act on what the Word of God says. I am conscious it, and it is manifesting in my life. The life of God is changing my life in every way; I walk in the light of it, in Jesus’ mighty Name!
This article is culled from the book Zoe – The God Kind of Life (pg 24(17) ff). Get the free download just by clicking Like or sending a tweet below!
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