Get Victory In Life Through Hope, Faith And Love (II)

Last time, we saw how hope is what gives us strength and confidence to go on for God, now matter what. Faith is what makes us act on the Word of God and receive His promises, and how love guides us on why we do everything we do. Love is God in us, for God is love (1John 4:8). These virtues would give us the strength we need to stand and RECEIVE all God has for us, and to receive it in such a way that is RIGHT IN LINE with God’s plan for us.
Definitely, we need these virtues… But how do we get them?
We can get these 3 virtues in our lives simply by taking in the Word of God, and obeying the voice of the Spirit. The Bible says faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Ro 10:17). Hope is the basis of faith, so there is no faith without hope. Therefore, hope comes by hearing the same Word of God!
The Bible also says that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost (Ron 5:5).
So, taking in the and acting on the Word of God, and obeying the voice of the Spirit of God in us, would make hope faith and love increase in us constantly; and as they increase, our results would increase too!
These three virtues are the basis of every Christian’s beautiful life in Christ…
So let’s get faith, hope and love by filling ourselves with the Word of God everyday, acting in consistency with the Word, and learning to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit through fellowship – and your results in life shall GREATLY increase!
I am full of faith, love and hope. My path is the path of the just that shines brignter and brighter unto the perfect day. I am more than a winnier, more than a conqueror! My victory is here, because God is with me! I win always in Jesus’ Mighthy Name!