They Are Better Than Me

Please, come closer,” he said to them. So they came closer. And he said again, “I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into slavery in Egypt. But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives. Gen 45:4-5
There are times we go through things, and it’s like we seem to think like: “our ‘mates’ of back in the day are much better off than we are today”.
Well, the fact that they SEEM to be doing better is not the end of the story – except you decide it is.
This is the situation Joseph found himself in when his brothers sold him into slavery. Suddenly his life seemed to have been changed forever, and it seemed like he would never be able to measure up to his brothers or his former ‘mates’ in any way in life again.
But all he actually needed to do was to be patient, strong and keep working on God’s purpose for his life, for God had a great plan for him!
So it is with you today. Do not let the way others seem to be moving ‘faster’ discourage you.
It’s never too late until you say it is. The founder of KFC finally set it up at age 65, just because he believed he could still do it. Today, it’s a worldwide sell out. If he did not believe it was still possible, he would have died nameless.
Do not focus on others. Focus on yourself, because there is a GREAT star in you.
Do not focus on others. Focus on yourself, because there is a GREAT star in you.
However, your shining in life is linked to you finding your own special purpose.
What is your purpose? What were you created to do? What area are you destined to shine in? Have you ever taken out time to ask the Lord? Trying to shine where you were not made for would only end up in frustration.
What are the opportunities you have now, and how can you take advantage of them to fit into the area you have found out God wants you to go in.
Stop allowing people try to make you feel you have to be like them to succeed. You only have to be like Jesus and those He tells you about.
There are no failures in this life. God does not make failures. There are only people who try to be like everyone else.
Today, remember, success is in you. Start focusing on it, working on it and living for it.
Have a blessed day.