Faith is Action

The story of Naaman (2 Kings 5.1-14) is ample evidence that it is when we ACT along with what we are supposed to believe that the power of God works for us.
Naaman apparently believed the words of his servant girl that God could use the prophet Elisha to heal him of his ailment. However, his belief alone could not heal him. He went back still sick after the prophet instructed him on the what should be his FAITH ACTION.
Then, of course, after he was advised to go back and go through the action, he was perfectly healed!
You see, faith is not just belief in the word of God, but WHAT YOU DO AS A RESULT OF GOD’S WORD TO YOU.
The Bible says ‘You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!’
James 2:19
In other words, it’s not just about what you believe, but what you DO after you believe that causes the Blessing to start working for you.
There’s also the story of Samson. Samson’s hair represented his faith – his action based on God’s Word. We all know how Samson messed around, and nothing happened to his strength, because his HAIR was his Faith-Action, or covenant step. We all know what happened to him the day he allowed his hair to be cut.
Where is your faith action today? After you pray in the Name of Jesus, do you believe that the Lord has heard you like the Word says in Mark 11: 24 and start ACTING (doing something) because He has answered, or do you keep WAITING for the answer? This is what is probably withholding your manifestation.
You can have faith in the Word by going out to do something today. You have prayed, the Lord has answered like He promised. Why not go out and do something about your situation in faith, and receive your manifestation?
Let me know your thoughts on this in the comments…