Don’t Look Back. Just Do It!

TIME is of extreme essence in our walk in life. This is why what we do when we feel something has gone wrong is very important.
What do you do when you make a mistake? Do you sit and mull over it, or do you get up and continue winning right away? The fact of life is that what we do after an occurence is ALWAYS more important than the occurence itself.
Time spent regretting is time completely wasted. Taking a firm decision does not take a minute. All it needs is enough willpower, not more time. So many people are failures today because they allowed negative feelings to flood and take over their lives.
However your past has been, turn a new page, stand up, dust yourself up and move on even faster than you were moving before, in the direction of your dreams and vision. Make sure you take your lessons with you, but don’t waste all of your time trying to learn them either.
Have a positive, winner’s attitude at all times. Don’t let anything that happened in your past get you down. Yes it happened. You can’t change your past, but if you sit on mulling over it, you would only be trying your best to mess up your future anyhow. Let it go and go on!
The Word says that YOU shall make your way prosperous (Joshua 1:8). YOU and not someone else. Do not let any happening hold you back. Become the winner you were made to be. Become the person God made you to be.
Start doing something about your dreams and goals today. JUST DO IT as Nike said. Contrary to popular belief, God does not love any one person above another. He does not favour one person above another. What happens is that one of them just DID something with the opportunity God had given him, while the other one did not(hing).
God has given you the power to make wealth . Don’t wait for him for wealth. Believe and thank Him that He gave it to you, then go out and make use of the power! Make wealth happen. Read the right books. Decide the right thing to do now. Don’t look back today. JUST DO IT!
I am moving forward everyday of my life. My life is a life of victory. I don’t look back; rather I move forward. I will not be stopped. I refuse to be hindered in any way. I am endued with power to make wealth. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. I have a goodly heritage. I will not be hindered with my past. Rather I move ahead in Jesus’ Name!
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