Take Time Out to Speak the Word

How do rich men become rich? I was watching a documentary on Donald Trump. He is well known for his confidence. The researchers for the documentary traced the source of his confidence back to a church he attended when he was a kid, where Norman Vincent Peale was the pastor. He said in an interview that we would always listen to him and read his books back then.
Later on, he was quoted as telling someone when he was still a nobody in business – “I’m 29 years. In 5 years time, I’m going to be bigger than anybody in New York”. Today he probably is.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof – Proverbs 18:21
When Apostle John saw Jesus in the book of Revelation, a sharp sword was coming out of this mouth (Rev 19:15). This is the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (Eph 6:17).
The Word says as Jesus is, so we are in this world (1John 4:17). The Word of God is a sword in our mouth. It destroys strongholds and barriers, removes monatains, and build your dreams.
Practice taking some time out just to speak what you want to see into your life today and try to make it a habit.
Faith doesn’t work for only Christians, but it works even more for them.
Use that weapon in your mouth, and act on what you say, today!