Daily Devotionals

Faith is Action

Faith is Action

The story of Naaman (2 Kings 5.1-14) is ample evidence that it is when we ACT along with what we are supposed to believe that the power of God works for us. Naaman apparently believed the words of his servant girl that God could use the prophet Elisha to heal him of his ailment. However, his belief alone could not heal him. He went back still sick after the prophet instructed him on the what should be his FAITH ACTION. Then, of course, after he was advised to go back and go through the action, he was perfectly healed! You see, faith is not just belief in the word of God, but WHAT YOU DO AS A RESULT OF GOD’S WORD TO YOU. The Bible says ‘You believe that there is one God. You do we... »

July – The Month of Fellowship

July – The Month of Fellowship

Welcome to the month of Fellowship! Your strength and grace for fellowship shall increase this month, and you shall have discussions with the Lord as if you were talking with someone just by you. The Lord shall tell you things that would surprise you and lift you up to greater levels. You shall start fulfilling those things You have been planning for long – because talking with the Lord causes grace to abound. You shall see yourself start walking in new levels of CLARITY and ACTION in your life’s purpose, because that is the Lord’s focus, and when He speaks, POWER is released. The Lord shall start sharing with you CLEAR steps on how you would WALK OUT of your most pressing ... »

Fight the Good Fight!

Fight the Good Fight!

The Word says, “Fight the good fight of faith …” (1 Tim. 6:12). If there weren’t any hindrances to faith, there wouldn’t be a fight. When it comes to the natural things, we would fight for what belongs to us. But when it comes to spiritual things, many times we just roll over and play dead! For instance, if someone came to your house and claimed your children and your home, you’d fight him for your family – for what belongs to you. Or what if your husband came home and said he had found another woman and he wanted to bring her into your house and move you out? You would sure put up a fight, wouldn’t you? Well, if God’s Word says something... »

God is With You

God is With You

God is always with you whether you feel it or not. God’s actions are not based on how you feel, they are based on the word of God. As long as the Lord has ever spoken to you, He would never leave you. The Lord will never let you go. He would always hold on to you and bring His Word to pass. (Genesis 28:15) The blessings of God are permanently yours (Ephesians 1:3). This is not based on how you feel, but on the Word of God. God never made you by mistake. He made you for a reason, and He’s fully focused on ensuring that you fulfil that purpose without fail. As long as your vision is from Him, God has a very pressing priority to make sure it comes to pass, and working to increase yo... »

They Are Better Than Me

They Are Better Than Me

Please, come closer,” he said to them. So they came closer. And he said again, “I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into slavery in Egypt. But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives. Gen 45:4-5 There are times we go through things, and it’s like we seem to think like: “our ‘mates’ of back in the day are much better off than we are today”. Well, the fact that they SEEM to be doing better is not the end of the story – except you decide it is. This is the situation Joseph found himself in when his brothers sold him into slavery. Suddenly his life see... »