You are Heaven’s Representative on Earth

Phillipians 3:20a NLT But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives…
When people come in contact with you, they come in contact with heaven.
You are heaven’s representative on the earth. The Lord has blessed you with His life, His nature, and His Word.
When you speak, Words from heaven come out. As you fellowship with the Spirit of God, He shows you deep and hidden things about His Word, about this life, and about others.
When you confess the Word, words telling forth what would come to pass in the future come out of your mouth.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 NLT
You are God’s representative. You carry His nature, His life, and His plans for the earth in you.
You are the crown of all creation. God’s best. You belong to the greatest race that ever came forth from God – you belong to the race of the New Creation.
Challenges might come, but they can never change these facts. Nobody can change who you are and where you are going. You are bound for the top. You were born to be a king. You were born to rule.
Hold your head up. You were born to be a solution. You give solutions to the whole world. Nothing can stop you. Do not look at your present situation.
Do not look at yourself. Look to Jesus. His sacrifice made this all possible.
Give your all to Him, and He shall make you into God’s perfect dream for your life.