The Irresistible Word!

One of the greatest messages the Church needs to hear in
this hour is that through the Lord Jesus Christ we possess the
power to speak the irresistible Word of God with power and
authority. Why did God give the Church this authority? So we
could heap up riches and power for ourselves? NO! So we could
set this world on fire with the news that Jesus Christ has come to
seek and to save that which was lost, and to set men and women
free from the power of the enemy.
The Word of God spoken through the lips of the members of
the Body of Christ will set in motion mighty wonders upon this
earth for the benefit of mankind!
Many in the Body of Christ are not aware of the authority
they really possess because of the Word of God, and they are not
taking what is rightfully theirs — that which was legally bought
and paid for at the Cross of Calvary. They are still trying “to
believe” for what already belongs to them, when all they really
need to do is to take God at His Word and speak the Word forth
in the anointing of the Holy Spirit! The Word will accomplish
what it has been sent forth to accomplish! Then they need to
take that same authority and go set the captives free — those
who are enslaved to Satan and who have never heard the good
news of the gospel.
The Body of Christ has the authority to speak God’s Word in
power because we are anointed with the Holy Spirit, and it’s the
anointing that breaks the yoke of bondage. As we walk after the
Spirit and not after the flesh, consecrating and dedicating
ourselves, God’s Word spoken from our lips will have power!
Get a hold of that important truth: Every member of
the Body of Christ can speak words that are anointed; words that
bring forth miraculous results of life and liberty; words which
release others from bondage; and words that accomplish
whatever they are sent to do — as long as they are based on
God’s Word.
If you base your words on the promises in God’s Word, and
you speak them with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, you will
get results! The Bible promises us this.
1 JOHN 2:20
20 But ye have an UNCTION [anointing] from the Holy
One, and ye know all things.
God’s Word spoken with the anointing of the Holy Spirit will
be irresistible to the men and women of this world whose eyes
have been blinded to the glorious light of the gospel. God’s
Word is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged
1 JOHN 1:9
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
The Word of God is working mightily in my life. I speak it out of my mouth, and it is mightily at work in me. My life is full of the mighty power in God’s Word! I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. I am full of the glory and the power of God. Christ has been made wisdom onto me, and His wisdom is mightily at work me at all times. I have a sound mind, I know what to do in every situation, and I am moving forward in every area of my life everyday, in Jesus’ mighty Name!
Click here to say a special prayer to invite Jesus in as your Lord.