Love is Life – The Great Rewards of Love!

Love as many may misunderstand it is not feeling. Love is a commandment. Jesus did not tell us to love when we feel like it, because REAL love does not have anything to do with how we are feeling at the moment.
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you. John13:34.
Love is the action you take, based on a decision. Love is not what you ‘feel for’ – it is what you ‘do for’, in spite of the circumstances.
The Bible tells us that God is just, great, pure, etc, but it does not tell us that He is justice, greatness or purity. However, the Bible tells us that ‘GOD IS LOVE’ John 4:8. The Bible also tells us that we are made in the image and likeness of God. In other words, we are LOVE PRODUCTS OF A LOVE GOD.
This is why man’s biggest need is to love and be loved. To be helped and to help others. The reason why we live is to serve others, and be rewarded for it.
This is actually the origin of all areas of service which we are otherwise very used to: service in our families/homes, as members and leaders in religious organizations, in charity organizations, in corporate organizations, in the civil service, in business, etc.
All these areas of service are actually authentic ways we can express and fulfill our need for giving and receiving love.
One of the most interesting parts of service is that there is a reward for it. The rewards might not look so tangible at times, and may look tangible at other times, but there is always a reward for it…
Love/service has a reward.
In a corporate organization for example, the reward for our service would be our salary, improved experience/skill in our career, etc. It would be the same thing in the civil service. In business, our reward would be profit and improved skills, company growth, etc. In a charity/religious organization and in the family, the reward for our service might be less tangible but could be even much more powerful.
We were created to serve others. Where are you serving today? Just know that, no matter the field of that service, whether tangible, or intangible, a great rewards await you there.
Pick your field(s) of service today and serve with all your heart. Go get your reward, for it is sure!!
I am a love creature of a love God. I express my character through my service today and always. I work to better people’s lives, and the state of my service, and my rewards are manifest in my life, in Jesus mighty Name!