Joy; Thanksgiving; the Great Life

Hello all! Hope your Monday was glorious.
The Bible tells us how it is important to keep up a spirit of joy at all times.
Joy is key to receiving from the Spirit of God. I noticed in the Old Testament, that when the people discovered they had been disobeying the law of God, and would start mourning, the Spirit of God would speak through a prophet, that He wanted the people to have a celebration, and not to mourn.
Repentance is good, but after it should come joy that we are now reconciled to your God, not a spirit of depression. Giving a financial seed as led by the Spirit, to go along with our repentance is also Biblical, and causes the grace of God to come upon one to stand on our decisions…
The Holy Spirit is a spirit of joy, and He operates best where joy prevails.
Isaiah 12:3 Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.
Brothers and Sisters, no matter what we see today, let stay with an attitude of joy and thanksgiving.
When we thank God for what He has done for you, He obligates Himself to do more.
Please let us pray for one another. We shall all move forward as we do so.
I see the Word of God shining in you more today. I see you climbing higher in God’s good will for your life. I see you shining. Nothing can stop you, for God is with you, not to look at your weaknesses, but to help you with them!
Keep winning today!
Jesus you’re my Lord, and I worship you with all I have within me.
The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places. I have a goodly heritage. I am God’s best, and I know it! Greater is He that is in Me than he that is in the world!
I am made for wonders. I am made for shining. I will reign, I will win, for the Lord is with me.
Lord, your Word shows me the way to do this. You would give me more zeal for your Word, and passion and strength to study it as I should. I reign, in Jesus’ Name!
John 13:30-38