
  • You are welcome @tolulopeawoyemi. Hope you are finding the site interesting!

  • Don’t say what you see, say what you want to see – over and over again. Your confession holds the key to your destiny. You shall march for ward in the fulfilment of your life’s purpose this week, and what seems impossible now will become your major testimony soon. The world will rejoice with you in Jesus Name.

    Isa 55.12-13 “For you shall go out w…[Read more]

  • Bible says you can’t add one cubit to your stature by worrying about it (Matt. 6:27). In other words, worrying won’t change anything for the better. So don’t worry about anything! That is where God wants you to be as a Christian. He wants you to be carefree, trusting Him.
    Remember, this casting your cares upon the Lord is a once-and-for-all…[Read more]

  • Bible says you can’t add one cubit to your stature by worrying about it (Matt. 6:27). In other words, worrying won’t change anything for the better. So don’t worry about anything! That is where God wants you to be as a Christian. He wants you to be carefree, trusting Him.
    Remember, this casting your cares upon the Lord is a once-and-for-all…[Read more]

  • One of the most important things that can catapult you forward in life is the ability to plan and execute. We experience times of the highest level mental of thought available to us when we plan, consciously or unconsciously.

    We think better when we take a look at the variables and resources, and opportunities and threats coming at us, then take…[Read more]

  • Joshua 1:8 – This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success…

  • Our confession should be, “God is with me.” “Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.” You can fearlessly say, “God is in me now.” You may be facing some task that seems impossible. Instead of talking about how impossible that task is, look to Him who is inside of you and say, “God is in me now.” You will find that your confession…[Read more]

  • We are graced to reign, but it comes out when we act on our faith and do something about our inspirations. Put your ideas to work and have an inspiring day today! P.S. Have you registered yet? 🙂

  • Do you know that people naturally gravitate towards what they have been thinking about?

    What do you have skills or experience in, are naturally good in, or can have access to, that you know people do think about, and would want?

    This is the secret of becoming financially self-dependent, to the extent that you would be giving out jobs and to…[Read more]

  • God did not make us to survive on our own. He made us to survive with Him. All the grace you need to survive with the Lord by your side is made available to you this month in Jesus Name

  • Work hard, dream big, wake early, believe. Listen to something inspiring. Drink coffee. Pray hard.
    Act on your dreams. Forgive others. Bless and forget about those who didn’t believe in you. Keep moving.

  • We are all all products of God’s grace. With grace, attainable. May grace fill your week powerfully as you start a new week, in Jesus Name.

  • [Chorus:]
    We work the field of souls, together you and I
    Some fields are blooming now, other fields are dry
    We are not the same but differences aside
    We will work the field of souls, together you and I

    [Verse 1:]
    One is off to foreign soil to work a distant land
    Another anchors close to home to hold a neighbor’s hand
    Who has served the Father…[Read more]

  • Keep your focus on your work -and on God. This was the secret of Daniel, Joseph, Jacob, Abraham, David, Isaac and so on. The Lord would lift you up through what you do in Jesus Name.

  • #singing

    I won’t stay here another night
    If I gotta sacrifice
    Who I am on the inside
    I’d rather be an outsider
    And you can stay if you’d like
    I’ll see you on the other side
    I wanna live the free life
    I’d rather be an outsider [5x]

    I’d rather be an outsider for the Lord who saved me.

    You never heard #hiphop like this…!

    Watch video below:

  • Keep pushing: He is with you. Do not give up… !

  • Keep pushing: He is withyou. Do not give up… !

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