
  • John Great posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago

    Who went through challenges like Joseph? From favorite rich man’s son to slave, to a common criminal. locked up in prison with no hope of release. But, you see, your destiny does not depend on your present circumstances. Your destination does not depend on how easy you have had it ever since or not, but on God’s promise to you. It’s just a matter of time, it would show. Hold on to it, for nothing can stop it. Keep believing, and keep pushing, for the one who is in you is greater than anything in the world. You shall win. Have an awesome week in Jesus Name.

    • Joseph, another story that inspires me. One thing am learning from Joseph is that he never allowed emotions to rob him of his destiny. His story is a kind of story that touches but the guy is sure focused and he knows who the Word says he is. To him, that’s all that matters.